
An earache refers to pain or discomfort experienced in the ear. It can vary in intensity and may be accompanied by other symptoms such as a sensation of pressure, fullness, or blockage in the ear, hearing loss or ear discharge. Earaches can occur due to various factors, including ear infections, sinus infections, colds, allergies, excessive earwax, foreign objects in the ear or changes in air pressure. The pain can range from mild to severe and can be sharp, throbbing or a dull ache. It is important to seek medical attention if an earache persists, worsens, or is accompanied by other concerning symptoms.

Homeopathy is a holistic system of medicine that works on the principle of "like cures like." It uses highly diluted substances to stimulate the body's own healing mechanisms. Homeopathic remedies can be effective in addressing anxiety by addressing the underlying causes and promoting overall wellbeing.  

Here are seven commonly used homeopathic remedies for earache:

1. Aconitum napellus (Acon.)

Indicated for sudden onset of earaches, often following exposure to cold wind or drafts. The pain may be accompanied by anxiety and restlessness. Read more...

2. Belladonna (Bell.)

Recommended for sudden, intense and throbbing earaches. The ear may appear red and feel hot and the pain can worsen with movement or touch. Read more..

3. Chamomilla (Cham.)

This is suitable for earaches accompanied by extreme irritability and restlessness, particularly in children. The pain may be shooting and the child may demand to be carried or rocked. Read more...

4. Hepar sulphuris (Hep.)

A remedy useful for earaches that are very sensitive to touch, even the slightest touch or exposure to cold air. The pain may be stitching or throbbing in nature. Read more...

5. Mercurius solubilis (Merc.)

Recommended for earaches with a sensation of fullness, along with a discharge that is yellowish or greenish in color. The pain may worsen at night and during damp or cold weather. Read more...

6. Pulsatilla (Puls.)

A remedy indicated for earaches with a sensation of pressure or fullness in the ear. The pain may change or shift from one side to the other and can be worse at night or in warm rooms. Read more...

7. Silicea (Sil.)

Useful for chronic earaches with a sensation of blockage or obstruction. The pain may extend to the throat and there may be a history of recurrent ear infections. Read more...

Here are some natural approaches to try for earache:

1. Warm compress: Applying a warm compress or heating pad to the affected ear can help soothe pain and promote relaxation.

2. Garlic oil: Using a few drops of warm garlic oil in the affected ear can provide relief. Garlic has natural antimicrobial properties that may help combat ear infections.

3. Rest and relaxation: Resting and keeping activities to a minimum can aid in the healing process and prevent exacerbation of symptoms.

4. Keep ears dry: Avoid getting water or moisture in the ears, especially during bathing or swimming, as it can further irritate the ear and prolong healing.

5. Stay hydrated: Drinking plenty of fluids can help maintain overall health and support the immune system.

6. Avoid irritants: Limit exposure to irritants such as cigarette smoke, strong perfumes and chemicals, as they can aggravate the ear and delay healing.

7. Consult a healthcare professional: It is important to seek medical advice if the earache persists or worsens, especially if there is discharge, hearing loss or other concerning symptoms.

Please note that while homeopathic remedies and natural approaches can provide relief for earaches, it is advisable to consult with a healthcare professional for diagnosis and treatment, particularly for recurrent earaches.

If you need help why not contact us to arrange to speak to one of our homeopaths or complete the form below. We offer both in-person clinic appointments in Stroud or online consultations anywhere in the world.

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More time to talk to a health professional

When you see a homeopath you are given the time to talk about all the symptoms you are experiencing. The first appointment usually lasts 90mins, with follow-up appointments lasting 45mins. Questions about your lifestyle, eating habits and preferences, temperament, personality, sleep patterns and medical history help the homeopath to form a complete picture of your health.

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01453 766 556
This clinic creates a beacon for homeopathy in Stroud; it brings homeopaths together; it acts as an international teaching facility for the School and it offers patients the highest quality of homeopathic treatment and care.
This clinic creates a beacon for homeopathy in Stroud; it brings homeopaths together; it acts as an international teaching facility for the School and it offers patients the highest quality of homeopathic treatment and care.

Mani Norland, Principal